Ace shooters Abhinav Bindra and Gagan Narang started India's quest for gold in the ongoing 19th Commonwealth Games here on Tuesday. Minutes after they won the first gold medal for India with a new games record, Anisha Saied and Sarnobat Rahi followed them winning the second gold medal.
Bindra and Narang shot a games record 1193 in men's 10 metre air rifle (pair) event breaking their own record set four years ago in Melbourne where they had notched up 1189.
World record holder Gagan shot a spectacular sequence of 99, 100, 100, 99, 100, 100 to total a grand 598, while Beijing Olympic gold medallist Bindra's series read 100, 98 ,99, 100, 99, 99 for a total of 595 in the first shooting event of the 2010 Games.
England's James Huckle and Kenny Parr (1174) won the silver medal while Bangladesh's Abdullah Hel Baki and Asif Hussain Khan (1173) had to be content with bronze. Both teams, however, were far behind the Indian duo of Bindra and Gagan.
Meanwhile, Saied and Rahi won the second gold for India in women's 25 metre pistol (pair) setting a new Games record with 1156/1200.
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